Arabic Quotes

Posted: June 30, 2013 in Arabic, Wisdom

” No sadness lasts forever, nor any felicity
Nor any state of poverty or one of luxury.
If you are the owner of a heart that is content
Then you and the owner of the world are equivalent. ”
— Imam Al-Shafi‘ee

” Do not demand love from an ignorant, for one cannot be loved unless he is understood ”
— Elia Abu Madi ( 1889 – 1957)

” Standing on the thresholds of Joy is always better than Joy itself.. Yes, Joy is an easy matter but if you covet it, it will kill you or destroy you ”
— Ibrahim Abdul Majeed (b.1946)

” It is unfair for you to surround her beauty with the ruins of your life.. You are an earthquake, my friend.. so be careful! ”
— Ibrahim Al Mazini ( 1890 – 1949)

” You never feel your middle age so long as you have a mother.. The word “Mama” alone is enough to preserve your youth and bloom ”
— Yusuf Ma’ati (b. 1963)

” A happy balanced human being appears somewhat less productive as his goals are mainly humanistic ”
— Abdel Wahab El-Messiri (1938-2008)


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